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Higher Administrative Bodies

University Council
According to the Rules and Regulations of UFMG (art. 12), the University Council is its highest level of decision-making. The Council designs the university's general policy at the academic, administrative, financial, patrimony, and disciplinary levels.

Council for Teaching, Research, and Extension – CEPE
According to the Rules and Regulations of UFMG (art. 16), the Council for Teaching, Research, and Extension is a technical body that supervises and decides about teaching, research, and extension matters.

Inspection Body

Council of Curators
The Council of Curators inspects the university's economic and financial matters (UFMG's Rules and Regulations, art. 21.)

Consulting Bodies

Council of Directors
The Council of Directors is an executive consulting body of the university's higher administration. The Council designs operational guidelines for matters approved at the University Council, decides about the ones handed over by the University Council, and advises the President (UFMG's Rules and Regulations, art. 34.).

Council of Community Integration
A consulting organ, the Council of Community Integration provides institutional and technical support, besides critical subsidies, aiming at a wider integration of university and community ( UFMG's Rules and Regulations , art. 36.).

The University Council, the Council for Teaching, Research, and Extension, and the Council of Directors are chaired by the President.

All Collegiate Bodies have the administrative support of the Secretary for the Higher Administrative Bodies – SODS.

Internal Audit also advises the University Council.

Secretary for the Higher Administrative Bodies (SODS)

Head: Ms. Consuelo Dourado Dupin
Address : Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
4º andar do Prédio da Reitoria
31.270-901 – Belo Horizonte – MG
Phone: (31) 3409.4110 – Fax: (31) 3409.4404

UFMG Internal Audit

General Auditor : Marcos Eustáquio de Oliveira Murta
Address: Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
4º andar do Prédio da Reitoria
31.270-901 – Belo Horizonte – MG
Phone: (31) 3409.4119 – Fax: (31) 3409.4120

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