Colaboratório UFMG

O Colaboratório UFMG é um espaço digital dotado de produtos e serviços dedicados à colaboração acadêmica. Visa potencializar o desenvolvimento e a experimentação de novas abordagens e produções colaborativas, modelos inovadores de comunicação e de divulgação científica e o compartilhamento de ferramentas, dispositivos e metodologias de ensino, pesquisa e extensão na interface Universidade-Sociedade.




The Collaboratory is an initiative of the Coordination Office for information Inclusion Policies (CPINFO) aiming at generating products and a network of information services in order to support interaction, collaboration and direct communication among members of the UFMG academic community and society at large.

The Collaboratory aims to:
  • Identify the collections and objects of scientific research, education and extension developed at UFMG and the production and circulation flow of such items;
  • Identify the researchers involved in scientific production and dissemination through open access;
  • Manage and analyze the information available in UFMG scientific research collections via open access technology;
  • Maintain an open repository of multimodal informational resources based on an open access and transdisciplinary perspective in the composition of the collection.
  • Organize and propose policies that ensure long-term interoperability, preservation and accessibility to the digital resources generated by the research produced at UFMG;
  • Conduct training and awareness courses for the academic community regarding the self-archiving policy of electronic documents of public interest generated by research, education and extension that respect ethical principles of dissemination of information;
  • Disseminate open access technology aiming at a network of scientific collaboration within UFMG;
  • Produce, maintain and adjust tools to promote the development of communication networks among researchers in order to foster a network of collaborative production;