The Revista da UFMG has an open call for the submission of scientific communications for its new volume, number 31, in continuous flow in 2024, on the theme Work: territory of experiences, transformations and contemporary crises . In addition to articles, essays, reviews and interviews, they will be previously evaluated by the Journal’s Editorial Committee and subsequently reviewed by peer experts on the subject.
The submission deadline ends on August 31, 2024.
Guest editors Daisy Cunha, from the Faculty of Education (Fae) at UFMG and Andrea Silveira, from the Faculty of Medicine at UFMG, explain that in this edition, the Revista da UFMG invites us to reflect on contemporary crises in their many and diverse overlaps in work experiences. Seeking to achieve a plural epistemic approach, but with a lot of engagement in terms of the values of the common good and emancipatory values, the call is organized into four analytical axes:
– End of the work? Invisibilities (re) producing inequalities at socio-cultural intersections
– Neoliberalism, globalization and the digital age: intertwinings and reconfigurations of work
– Borders, interfaces, circulation of senses and meanings in variable temporalities and geometries – Work: epistemological and
ethical-political challenges .
The full call can be accessed below or on the Portal de Periódicos da UFMG.
Revista da UFMG – Open Call Thematic Dossier – Volume 31
Articles must comply with the Publication Standards available on the Revista UFMG website, including a minimum of 17 and a maximum of 25 pages, including tables, maps, graphs and other images and non-textual information. Only unpublished works in Brazil that address different perspectives within the proposed theme will be accepted.