Periodically, the IEAT organizes, promotes and supports cycles of seminars, conferences, colloquiums and workshops, either by itself or in partnership with other institutions, units, and organs, be they external or not. Such cycles are dedicated to themes of advanced and/or transdisciplinary nature, open to the general public and to researchers, intellectuals, artists or scientists.
Seminar Speech and schizophrenia: the C-Coral-ESQ corpus Seminar Religions, politics and science at the crossroads (2024) II Cycle of Debates of the Network for Studies on Democracy and Disinformation (2024) Conference Little Science is Nonsense: Why psychoanalysis is not pseudoscience (2024) Seminar “Por uma Arquitetura + 100 – História / Crítica, Cidade, Projeto, Prospecções” (2023) Cycle of Online Conferences on Disinformation (2023) Seminar cycle: Urban Theories and Practices: paths (2023) Workshop ERASMUS/SUCCESS (CRISP) (2023) Seminar Brazil, demonstrations June 2013: cities, politics, event (2023) 4ª Intercontinental Academia (2022) II UFMG Graduates Workshop (2022) Transdisciplinary Meeting Seminar Artificial Intelligence and its Social Impact (2022) DISCIPLINA: From Theory to Practice of Transdisciplinarity: an Ethos (2021) Webinar Knowledge Challenges in Transforming for a Better World (2021) Society of Disinformation and Infodemic (UFMG, PUC-MG and UFOP) (2022) UFMG Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Seminar Series (2022) Lecture “Brain, Imaginary and Information” (2021) II Information and Imaginary Colloquium (2021) Complexity and Humanism Symposium (2021) Webinar: Vaccine, biopower and history (2021) Seminar Series "Transdisciplinarity and Pandemic in Research "Tell me I [don't] hear you" (2021) WEBINAR: "COVID vaccine for children: Law and Science" (2021) WEBINAR: Conference "The Sustainable Development Goals. For what? For whom?" (2021) Webinar: War of language and narratives in the city (2020) Webinar: Health as an International Issue in the Covid-19 Pandemic (2020) Webinar: Polarization and Hate on digital platforms (2020) Webinar: Immigration, refuge and reception (2020) Webinar: Pharmacogenetics in Iberoamerica: science, international cooperation and innovation (2020) Webinar: Challenges and opportunities in accessing rights for refugees in Brazil (2020) Webinar: Health Care and the pandemic: lessons learned by health systems (2020) Webinar: A Step Towards Geographically Targeted Interventions (2020) Higher Education Colloquium: the Future in perspective (2019) Present and future impacts of climate change in Brazil (2019) The rightist shift in Brazil and the world (2019) IEAT Annual Seminar 20 years (2019) Genome editing symposium with CRISPR (2019) International Seminar Individual differences in personality and mental health (2018) Emotional Design Seminar (2018) Freedom of Expression in the Arts, Education and Press Seminar (2018) Transdisciplinarity and Innovation Symposium (2018) Seminar on Transdisciplinary Methodologies (2018) Higher Education Colloquium: UFMG Graduate Research (2017) Round table Potential and the pre-salt exploration model (2017) Higher Education Colloquium: Challenges of Higher Education and Distance (2017) Higher Education Colloquium: participatory teaching methodologies (2016) Technical Panel and Regulation of Mining Activity (2016) Trends and challenges in Higher Education: BRICS and Latin America on the agenda (2016) Higher Education Colloquium – Expansion, regulation, evaluation (2016) Higher Education Colloquium – interdisciplinary courses and pathways (2015) Higher Education Colloquium – access to the University (2015) Transdisciplinary Views Conference Cycle (2015) IEAT Resident Teacher Annual Seminar (2013) Darwin Day Symposium: Frontiers (2013) Interdisciplinarity in Undergraduate Studies: possibilities (2013) American Colleges and the Unicamp experience (2013) Seminar: The Anatomy of Influence (2012) Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degrees: The UFABC experience (2012) Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Degrees: The UFBA experience (2012) Interdisciplinarity in Undergraduate Studies: the impact of Reuni (2012) University of the Future: imitate, engineer and create (2012) Neuroscience of ethics: the state of the art and promises for the future (2011) University of the Future: Engineering (2011) Contemporary perceptions of technology: Horkheimer and Marcuse - Bergson and Simondon (2011) University of the Future: Libraries (2011) Neuroscience, ethics and Law (2011) Animals, Animality and the Limits of the Human (2011) II International Colloquium Biotechnology and the Human Condition (2011) In the genesis of modern rationalities: Around Alberti (2011) Biotechnologies and regulations (2010) International Colloquium Biotechnology and the Human Condition (2009) The Art of Memory and the Memory of the Future (2008) II IEAT Resident Teacher Seminar (2008) Transposition of the waters of the São Francisco River: An unfinished controversy (2006) The frontiers of knowledge (2006) Biodiversity, shared knowledge and intellectual property (2005) Seminars organized by IEAT