Nomination: Diomira Maria and Sergio Donizete Faria – UFMG Geosciences Institute
Period: June 24th to July 8th, 2024.

Sílvia Quinteiro (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature) is Coordinating Professor at the University of Algarve, School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism. He is an integrated member of the Communication Sciences and Arts Research Center – CIAC. Coordinates the Research Group on Literature and Tourism Studies: Lit&Tour (CIAC). Collaborates with Rede Entremeio and the LITESCAPE.PT Atlas das Paisagens Literárias de Portugal Continental project. His research areas include Comparative Literature and the relationship between Literature and Tourism. She is the author and editor of several scientific publications. She is Editor-in-Chief of LIT&TOUR: International Journal of Literature and Tourism Research.