In April and May, the Online Conference Cycle on Disinformation will be held, featuring renowned national and international researchers in the field of communication. The event is an initiative of the Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (PPGCOM/UFMG) and has the support of the UFMG Transdisciplinary Institute of Advanced Studies. The cycle is organized by Professor Geane Alzamora, from the Department of Social Communication at UFMG and resident of IEAT between 2020 and 2021.

During the cycle, topics such as fake news and deep fakes in the light of semiotics, the semiotics of disinformation, the crisis of communication and disinformation, considerations about contemporaneity, disinformation, and climate change, and disinformation and populism will be addressed. The meetings will take place online on April 19th and 26th, and May 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th, 2023, at different times, on the Zoom platform.

The invited speakers are Lucia Santaella (PUC-SP – Brazil), Paolo Demuru (Paulista University – Brazil), Gustavo Cardoso (University Institute of Lisbon – Portugal), Mario Carlon (University of Buenos Aires – Argentina), Carme Ferre Paiva (Autonomous University of Barcelona – Spain), and João Carlos Correa (University of Beira Interior – Portugal).

Next Wednesday, April 26th, starting at 2 pm, Professor Paolo Demuru, from Universidade Paulista, will give the conference ‘Semiotics of Disinformation’.

Paulo Deumu holds a PhD in Semiotics from the University of Bologna, Italy, and in Semiotics and General Linguistics from the University of São Paulo. He is a Full Professor at the Graduate Program in Communication and Media Culture at Universidade Paulista and a researcher at the Center for Sociosemiotic Research at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. He is coordinator of the Working Group “Interactional Practices, languages and production of meaning in communication” of the National Association of Graduate Programs in Communication (COMPÓS).

Registrations for each conference must be made through the UFMG Events Management system. Subsequently, all conferences will be made available on the IEAT channel on Youtube.