Six academic units are involved with research in the area of
Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. At the School of Philosophy
and Human Science (Fafich), 90% of its near 220 teachers from the six
departments have master’s or doctoral degrees and are doing research.
At the Department of Sociology, researches focus mainly on Urban and
Industrial Sociology and Sociology of Culture. At the Department of
History, the characteristic topics are Oral, Political, and Economic
History. The Department of Political Sciences works mostly with Public
and Administrative Policies, Brazilian and International Politics, and
Political Theory. At the Department of Philosophy, most works focus
on the relationship between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, Marxism,
Social and Political Philosophy, Esthetics, Art Philosophy, and Logic.
Also connected to Fafich, the Esthetics Laboratory does research and
documentation work on Esthetics and Art and Civilization History.
The School of Education (FAE) has three departments, which carry
out interdisciplinary activities with other University sectors. The
Center for Literacy, Reading, and Writing (Ceale), which develops many
projects on child and adult literacy, has been the major source of publication
at FAE. The Center for Mathematics and Science Teaching in Minas Gerais
(Cecimig) studies the learning processes in the area and offers permanent
courses for primary and secondary teachers.