Information Science
The School of Information Science (former School of Librarian
Science) has a full-time academic staff that explores four basic research
topics in the areas of Scientific and Technological, Managerial, and
Social and Historical Information. In addition, using the Lab of Information
Treatment, the unit works on all topics related to information storage
and diffusion.
The four departments at the School of Law investigate Philosophy
of Law, Society by Quotas, Penal Process, Penal Law, Brazilian International
Acts, Constitutional Law, and Social Function of Property.
Most research topics explored at the School of Economics (Face)
are related to work done at the Center for Regional Development and
Planning (Cedeplar), at the Center for Research and Graduate Studies
in Business Administration (Cepead), and at the Research Institute in
Economics, Business Administration, and Accounting (Ipead).
At Cedeplar, where 25 teachers have a doctoral degree and 10 have a
master’s degree, there is research on Demographics and on Economics,
with projects on Fecundity, Historical Demographics and Labor, Agricultural
and Industrial Economics, Economic History, Economics and Environment,
and Privatizations. At Cepead, 11 teachers have a doctoral degree and
eight have a master’s. They study Sectors of Support for Decision
Making, Human Behavior in Organizations, Performance and Financial Strategy
in Organizations. With four teachers holding a doctoral degree and two
holding a master’s, the Ipead provides consultancy and calculates
monthly rates of indices, such as price and rent variation.
One of the research centers at the School of Architecture, which
is divided into four departments, is the Graphic Laboratory for the
Teaching of Architecture (Lagear), equipped with a modern system of
computer-assisted design. Among the main research topics are Computer-Assisted
Photogrametry, Computer-Assisted Photo-Documentation, Photorealistic
Representations, as well as studies on accessibility (Architecture without
barriers for disabled people).
The Department of Geography has, among the research topics that
take up the largest number of teachers, studies on Environmental Perception
and Geomorphology. In the Department of Cartography, one of the main
research topics involves the use of computers in cartography, in a partnership
with the Minas Gerais Center for Remote Sensoring.
Two special agencies are connected to IGC. The Research Center Manoel
Teixeira da Costa, on the Pampulha campus, analyzes rocks and minerals,
develops projects of geological, petrological, and geochemical mapping.
The Department of Social Communication studies the History of
Communication and Communication and Politics. The Department of Psychology
studies Behavior, Teaching, and Learning; Socialization; Mental Health
and Psychosocial Transformations.