Horacio Machado Aráoz holds a degree in Political Sciences (Catholic University of Córdoba), in Social Planning for Local Development (Sur-Cepal, Santiago de Chile), a Masters in Social Sciences and a PhD in Human Sciences (National University of Catamarca). His doctoral thesis (“Mineral nature. A political ecology of modern colonialism”, 2012) addresses the investigation of transnational mining as one of the fundamental veins of the colonial sociometabolism of capital and of the historical-geographical constitution of Western hegemony.
He is currently an independent researcher at the National Science and Technology Council (CONICET, Argentina), at the Regional Institute of Sociocultural Studies (IRES-CONICET-UNCA), where he coordinates the Research Collective on Political Ecology of the South. He is also Professor of Sociology II in the Social Service Course (Faculty of Humanities, National University of Catamarca).