Antonio Luiz Pinho Ribeiro is full professor at the Department of Internal Medicine at the School of Medicine of UFMG and Coordinator of the Telehealth Network of Minas Gerais and Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation in Artificial Intelligence in Health. Visiting Researcher "Diamond Jubilee" at the University of Southampton (2017-2022) and member of the WHO Reference Group on Health Statistics and the Neglected CVDs Expert Group of the World Heart Federation. Physician, specializing in Internal Medicine and Cardiology, he completed his doctorate in Medicine at the School of Medicine of UFMG (1996). He was President of the International Society of Electrocardiology from 2019 to 2021. He is an Associate Editor of BMJ Heart and the Journal of Electrocardiology.

Francisco Antonio Rodrigues Barbosa holds a degree in Natural History from UFMG (1973), a master's degree in Ecology and Natural Resources from the Federal University of São Carlos (1979), a PhD in Ecology and Natural Resources from the Federal University of São Carlos (1981). He is full professor at the Institute of Biological Sciences at UFMG and coordinator of the specialization course in Municipal Management of Water Resources at ICB / UFMG.

Isabela Almeida Pordeus graduated in Dentistry from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1980), with a Master's Degree in Pediatric Dentistry from the University of São Paulo (1986) and a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health from the University College London (1991). She is full professor of Pediatric Dentistry at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, serving as Pro-Rector of Graduate Studies (2022-2026). She is part of the Special Advisory Group of the Board of International Relations of CAPES (GAE / DRI / CAPES) and the Advisory Committee of the Board of International Relations of UFMG. She chairs the Health Sciences Area Advisory Committee / PRPq / UFMG (2018-2023). She belongs to the Advisory Committee-Area of Dentistry (CA-OD) of CNPq (2021-24; 2015-18), coordinating it from 2017 to 2018.

Ricardo Hiroshi Caldeira Takahashi obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees in Electrical Engineering from UFMG, in 1989 and 1991, and a doctorate in Electrical Engineering at UNICAMP, in 1998. He has been full professor at UFMG since 1992, working since 2002 in its Department of Mathematics. He develops research in the areas of Control Theory and Optimization Theory, in which he has been studying mainly the themes of Multiobjective Optimization and Evolutionary Computation.

Evaldo Ferreira Vilela holds a degree in Agronomy from the Federal University of Viçosa (1971), a Master's degree in Entomology from ESALQ University of São Paulo and a PhD in Chemical Ecology from the University of Southampton, UK. Full Professor and currently Volunteer/Collaborator Professor at UFV. He was Dean of the Federal University of Viçosa (2000-2004), was Head of the Department of Animal Biology, Director of the Center for Biological and Health Sciences and creator and Coordinator of the Graduate Programs in Entomology and also in Animal Biology at UFV.

José Luís da Costa Fiori is emeritus professor of Political Economy and International Ethics at UFRJ. He studied Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Catholic University of Chile (1968-70), studied Sociology at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Chile (1970), took his Master's degree in Economics at Escolatina, at the Institute of Economics at the University from Chile (1973), did his PhD in Political Sciences at the Institute of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (1985), and did his post-doctorate at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Cambridge, England (2005) . He is a professor of International Political Economy at the Institute of Economics, and the Nucleus of International Studies at UFRJ, and a professor of Social Medicine (retired) at the Institute of Social Medicine at UERJ.

José Jorge de Carvalho holds a Ph.D in Social Anthropology from The Queen's University Of Belfast (1984); post-doctorate from Rice University (1995) and post-doctorate from the University of Florida (1996). He was Tinker Professor at the University of Wisconsin - Madison (1999). He is currently a Full Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Brasília, 1-A Researcher at CNPq and Coordinator of INCT - National Institute of Science and Technology and Inclusion in Higher Education and Research, of the Ministry of Science and Technology and CNPq. His work as an anthropologist develops mainly in the following areas: Ethnomusicology, Afro-Brazilian Studies, Study of Art, Comparative Religions, Mysticism and Spirituality, Popular Cultures, and Affirmative Actions for Black and Indigenous People.