Nomination: Professor Roberto Luís de Melo Monte-Mór, Department of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences – UFMG
Period: August 19th to September 7th, 2013.
Professor Amin joined the University of Cambridge in August 2011, after sixteen years at Durham University where he was Professor of Geography and Director of the Institute for Advanced Study. Known for his work with the geographies of modern life, for example, urban thinking and regional societies as relationally and materially constituted, and globalization as an everyday process that painstakingly reconstitutes the meanings of place.
He has also contributed to thinking about the economy as a cultural entity, while his writings on race and multiculturalism have helped change policy work dealing with the management of ethnic diversity. Amin has also held several scholarships and Chair programs at numerous European universities.
He is founder and co-editor of the Review of International Political Economy. He is currently associate editor of the publication City, and a member of the advisory board of several international magazines. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, the World Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Fellow of the British Academy. He was awarded the Royal Geographical Society’s Edward Heath Prize in 1998 for his contributions to research in Europe. Amin has also assisted in the work of the Research Priorities Board of the ESRC and international organizations, such as the OECD and the European Commission.