Indication: Professor Andréa Maris Campos Guerra – Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences at UFMG
Period: August 18 to 24, 2019
Christophe Olivier Douville is Professor of Psychology at the University Paris X (Université Paris Nanterre) and director of the Journal Clinical Psychology. He received a BA in Psychology and obtained a DESS and a DEA in Psychology from Paris Descartes University (1977). After an internship in Dakar, he completed a doctorate in Clinical Social Psychology (1982) at the University of Paris XIII, dedicated to young people of North African immigration. He became a psychoanalyst in 1988 and has been a member of the Espace Analytique since 2004, where he conducts seminars, and of the Association Française des Anthropologues since 2008. October 2011 (Paris, EHESS, Maison Suger).