Indication: Professor Roberto Luís de Melo Monte-Mór – Faculty of Economic Sciences and Professor Ana Maria Rabelo Gomes – Faculty of Education/UFMG
Period: October 4th to 13th, 2017
Bachelor of Philosophy (1973), Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli is a professor at the University of Bologna, where she teaches Medieval History and History of the City (Bologna campus) and History of Customs and Fashion (Campus Rimini). She is a member of the Department of History, Culture and Civilization. His line of research is History of Culture, Mentality and Society. For years she researched the issue of solidary credit through the study of Montepio da Piedade (Monti di Pietà: Il denaro e la salvezza. L’invenzione del Monte di Pietà, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2001). She worked in preaching/communication and researched the topic of female roles and figures. Author of more than 150 articles, editor of more than a dozen collections, author of ten books, she has also organized several exhibitions and coordinated and directed several national research projects and participated in several international research groups.