Indication: Professor Francisco Marinho – Department of Photography – School of Fine Arts/UFMG

Period: March 05 to 30, 2007

Vibeke Sorensen is an artist who works experimentally with new media, including computer graphics and animation. From her work with hybrid video synthesizers in the 1970s, through her long engagement with computer-generated 3D graphics and her Internet-ready architectural pieces and installations, she has created a range of prints, films, videotapes and works involving interactivity, collaborating with the development of new systems and methods through their experiments.

Her work has received many honors and awards, and has been exhibited internationally in a variety of ways (television, galleries and museums, live performances). Vibeke Sorensen works mainly with the exploration of consciousness through multimodal subjective forms. Her works explore cultural identities, memory, perception, light and space, blending visual and musical works.

In her articles on art and science, Vibeke Sorensen shows her awareness of the important role that artists have to play in the development of technology, and this has led her to collaborate on several interdisciplinary research works.

Vibeke Sorensen has created programs and developed improvements for computer art at Virginia Commonwealth University, the Art Center College of Design, and the California Institute of the Arts. She is currently Professor of Film and Media Studies at Arizona State University.