Indication: Professor Júnia Ferreira Furtado – Department of History – Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences/UFMG

Period: 11/07 to 12/07/2010

Nuno Gonçalo de Freitas Monteiro is a Research Coordinator at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon and Guest Professor at ISCTE (Lisbon). He has a PhD in Modern History from F.C.S.H / Universidade Nova de Lisboa and an aggregate in History from ISCTE.

He is a member of the editorial boards of several international magazines, having participated in those of the magazines Ler História, Análise Social and Penélope, of which he was director. He held about one hundred and fifty conferences and communications in Portugal, Spain, France, England, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Brazil, USA, Mexico and Uruguay, and was a visiting professor at Spanish and French universities. and Brazilian. He coordinated several international research projects and organized several colloquiums and scientific meetings. He has published more than a hundred titles, including the most recent: The Twilight of the Great. The House and Heritage of the Aristocracy in Portugal (1750-1834), 2nd ed. magazine, Lisbon, National Press, 2003; Optimal Par. Elites Ibero-Americanas do Antigo Regime (organization in collaboration with P. Cardim and M.S. da Cunha), Lisbon, Imprensa das Ciências Sociais, 2005; D. João Carlos de Bragança, 2nd Duke of Lafões, Lisbon, Inapa, 2006 (in collaboration with F. D. Costa); Power and social mobility. Courtesans, Religious and Oligarchies in the Iberian Peninsula (Siglos XV-XIX), Madrid, CSIC, 2006 (ed. in collaboration with F. Chácon Jiménez); Nobility and Aristocracy in Ancién Régime Portugal (Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries, in H.M. Scott (ed.), The european nobilities in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 2nd ed, 2 vols, Londres, 2006; Elites e Poder. Entre o Antigo Regime e Liberalism, 2nd ed. Lisbon, Social Sciences Press, 2007; D. José. In the shadow of Pombal, 2nd ed. magazine, Lisbon, Themes and Debates, 2008; and History of Portugal, Lisbon: Esfera dos Livros, 2009 ( in collaboration with Rui Ramos (coord.) and Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa) – D. Dinis award 2009, Fundação da Casa de Mateus.