The Science and Technology Scenarios in Brazil: possible futures in 2040 project was developed by the Institute for Advanced Transdisciplinary Studies (IEAT) at UFMG in collaboration with the Research Development Foundation (FUNDEP) and consultancy from Chie Integrates. The objective of the project was the joint construction of prospective scenarios for science and technology, considering their possible developments and impacts in the future.

To achieve this, steps were taken that included collecting narratives and co-creation workshops, which resulted in four future scenarios: emancipated transhumanism, regenerative integration, ubiquitous simulacrum and hacked machine.

In the last stage of the project, the final report was launched, which presents four scenarios about the future of science and technology in Brazil, consolidated through workshops held with invited experts from different areas and stories about possible futures, captured with the help of the tool SenseMaker through the participation of society.

The final report, in digital format, is available free of charge on the project website.