Humberto Maturana is a biologist, born in Chile, and co-creator of the Theory of Autopoiesis along with Francisco Varela. In the 1950s Maturana worked with the pioneer of experimental epistemology Warren McCullouch, and developed several breakthrough works in the field of neurophysiology of perception. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, exploring the implications of autopoiesis theory in areas as diverse as family therapy, political science, and education. He is the author of the books Autopoiesis and Cognition and The Tree of Knowledge (both in partnership with Francisco Varela), Origen de las Especies por Medio de la Deriva Natural (in partnership with Jorge Mpodozis), El Sentido de lo Humano, Emociones y Lenguaje en Educacion y Politics, Democracy as a Work of Art, Love and Game: Fundamentals Forgotten by the Human (with Gerda Verden-Zoller), among others. Since the early 1950s Maturana has been a professor at the University of Chile, where he created the Laboratory of Experimental Epistemology, currently directed by his former student and collaborator Jorge Mpodozis. In 1995 Maturana was awarded by the Academy of Sciences of Chile in recognition of his intellectual production as a whole.