Professor Agustín Lao Montes (personal collection)

Chair of the CALAS-IEAT Chairs program, professor Agustín Lao-Montes, from the University of Masschusetts Amherst, will teach at UFMG the mini-course Civilizational Crisis and New Wave of Anti-Systemic Movements: between the Decolonial Feminist Turn and the Ontological Turn.

The meetings will take place on the 24th, 25th and 26th of July 2024, from 2pm to 6pm, in room 3025 of the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences (Fafich) at UFMG. The course will be offered as a subject in the postgraduate program in Political Science (PPGCP) under the DIP code DCP921 Class B1. Students from other UFMG postgraduate programs can enroll in the elective course modality. Enrollments can be made from July 17th to 22nd, by email at, with the subject “Registration for Professor Agustin Lao-Montes’ Minicurso”. In the body of the email, you must inform “full name, registration number and name of the course to which the student is linked”.

Divided into three meetings, with a total duration of 15 hours, the short course will address the nature of the civilizational crisis, the analysis of the wave of anti-systemic movements, and the articulation of the decolonial and ontological feminist turns. Each session includes required readings. Check out the full schedule here.

About the professor

Agustín Lao-Montes is an Afro-descendant intellectual activist of Puerto Rican origin, with a doctorate in historical sociology and currently works as a professor of sociology at the University of Massachusetts, where he is also a researcher at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and professor of the PhD in Studies African-American. He has published several books and a large number of articles on topics such as Globalization, Social Movements, Urban Issues, Ethnic-Racial Identities and Racism, Caribbean and Afrodiasporic Critical Thought and Decolonial Theory, African Studies and Intercultural Education.