From alternative economies to alternatives to the economy: exploring socio-spatial and cultural concepts and practices beyond economic rationality

The central objective of the research group, even though it has the economy as its basis, presupposes the centrality of cultural and socio-spatial issues in its own delimitation and (re)definition. Issues such as relationships with nature, urbanization processes, the meaning of social and economic development and the legitimacy of other perspectives on the world from the many peripheries (in particular) open possibilities of investigation for the understanding of some trends that appear . Past works have brought together researchers from diverse disciplines and contexts for a joint and articulated investigation of the complex theme proposed in Brazil (Amazon and Minas Gerais), Europe (medieval and contemporary) and India, thus highlighting the diversity of times and spaces that articulate the Group that is now organized.

The proposal starts with an analysis of the concepts of urbanization, sustainability and development, placing them in the contemporary context, and then presents a transdisciplinary research proposal, assumed in broad terms. At the end, some of the experiences and specific statements of the sectoral approaches already in progress by some of the main researchers involved in the proposal are presented.

The proposal does not intend to indicate the main areas of study that are being investigated and that, in the understanding of the group, are articulated within the conceptual framework presented here. Thus, the general objective of this proposal is to start a process of systemic interaction between different study groups, research and extension actions that have been working in parallel, with partial articulations between several researchers, in order to advance in the theoretical and practical understanding integration of the various actions in progress and in urban and regional planning.