The IEAT’s Resident Professor Program is accepting applications for six positions aimed at internal professors and researchers at UFMG.

The program aims to foster the development of advanced and transdisciplinary research projects. Applications can be submitted from July 5th to September 22nd, 2023.

The program is open to UFMG faculty members who are currently employed, emeritus, or retired and who volunteer at the University. Participants must have a proven track record of contributing to human resource development and research activities. Research projects can be submitted individually or jointly by two professors.

The selected candidates will work on their research projects with a strong transdisciplinary focus from March 1st to December 31st, 2024.

Applications must be submitted exclusively through the email address until September 22nd, 2023. The results will be announced by November 30th, 2023.

Regulamento Programa Residente 2023 (portuguese)

Chamada Professor Residente IEAT 2023 (portuguese)

Fomulário residente IEAT 2023 (portuguese)