Residency Period: August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020
Resident at IEAT, Allan Claudius Queiroz Barbosa is a professor at the Department of Administrative Sciences at UFMG. Post-Doctorate by ISEG/University of Lisbon (2005/2006) and Specialization Studies in Skills by the International Labor Organization (ILO), Italy (1999/2000). Doctor in Administration (USP, 1995), Master in Administration (UFMG, 1989) and Graduated in Economics (PUC/MG, 1985). Affiliate Professor at the University of Porto since 2010 and Associate Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto since 2009. Associate Researcher at SOCIUS/ISEG/University of Lisbon since 2012. Member of the Coordinating Committee of the Research Network in Primary Health Care (OPAS) /MS/Abrasco). Coordinator of the Observatory of Human Resources in Health at FACE/UFMG and of the interdisciplinary Center on management in (non) business organizations ( Responsible Editor of APS in Revista and Revista Gestão e Sociedade. Member of the Editorial Board of RAC and Revista de Administração/UFSC and of the Scientific Editorial Board of RAE-eletrônica. Reviewer and/or member of editorial committees of scientific journals and national and international academic meetings. He served in the University Administration at UFMG (President of the FUMP twice, Deputy Dean of Human Resources, Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator of Graduate Studies and Coordinator of the Doctorate in Administration). He was Editor of RAE special edition Minas Gerais (2004/2005/2006) and Associate Editor of RAE. He was coordinator of Human Resources at ANPAD in the biennia 1997/1998, 2005/2006 and 2007/2008 and member of the Scientific Committee of the 11th Brazilian Congress of Collective Health (2015). He carried out 04 postdoctoral supervisions, supervised and co-supervised 19 doctoral theses (two co-supervisions) and 49 master’s dissertations (06 co-supervisions) to date.
This project aims to discuss Human Resources and their role in the context of Health, seeking to answer the following questions: Is there a work regime that is attractive to all professionals, which does not affect health outcomes and is feasible from a management point of view public? What is the most appropriate working day for teams working in family health? Is it possible to establish a pact between municipalities in the management of health professionals? How to structure incentive arrangements that allow for the sustainable allocation of qualified human resources over time? Are there alternatives for composition of remuneration that articulate fixed and variable elements? Is it possible to manage the performance of professionals through health outcomes? Ultimately, is it possible to state to what extent health outcomes are duly influenced by human resource management? It is intended, from these reflections, to elucidate ways and viable alternatives for managing human resources in health that effectively result in gains for the assisted population.