Date: November 22nd and 23rd, 2023
Where: Auditorium 4 of the Faculty of Economic Sciences at UFMG

Opening – Patrícia Kauark Leite, director of IEAT.

Conference ‘Memory for what? Why do we need to remember January 8th in Brazil?’ – Ana Paula Brito, Calas-IEAT Chair Professor.
Presentation by IEAT resident professors: Fabio Alves da Silva Junior and Fábio Bonfim Duarte, both from the UFMG Faculty of Linguistics and Literacy, Marcelo Campos Galuppo, from the UFMG Faculty of Law and Gilberto Medeiros Ribeiro, from the UFMG Institute of Hard Sciences.

Conference Sustainability on the table: advances, challenges and opportunities in the context of food security for Brazil – Evaldo Vilela, Visiting Researcher at INCT Semioquímicas at ESALQ/USP.
Mediation: Francisco César de Sá Barreto, coordinator of the IEAT research group: The Laws of Sciences and Nature and (Un)Sustainable Development. Pathways to a Healthy Future

Conference Impasses and tensions in today’s Brazilian cultural process – Sônia Salzstein Goldberg, from the USP School of Communications and Arts.
Mediation: Stéphane Huchet, from the UFMG School of Architecture.