Nomination: Professor Eliana Regina de Freitas Dutra, Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences of UFMG
Period: from September 30th to October 14th, 2011
François Hartog is director of research at the École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris), where he has held the chair of Ancient and Modern Historiography since 1987. In 2006, he won the François Millepierres History Prize of the Académie Française. His main research interests are historiography, regimes of historicity and historical forms of temporalization. He published several works, including Memory of Ulysses: Narratives about the frontier in Ancient Greece; Herodotus’ mirror: Essay on the representation of the other; The 19th century and History: the Fustel de Coulanges case; Régimes d’historicité, Présentisme et Expériences du temps; The Ancients, the past and the present and Evidence of History: what historians see.