Indication: Professor Claudia Mayorga – Department of Psychology of UFMG
Period: From October 01 to November 04, 2017
Professor Lupicinio Íñiguez-Rueda is Doctor in Philosophy and Letters (Psychology), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1986), Professor of Social Psychology (2003) at the Department of Social Psychology (UAB) and member of the “Barcelona Science and Technology Studies Group (STS-b)” and the “Research Group on Qualitative Methodologies (GIMC)”. He coordinated of the Doctoral Program in Social Psychology (UAB) from 1995 to 2007. He is the editor of ‘Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social’ and ‘Quaderns de Psicologia. An International Journal of Psychology’.
His research interests have focused on the development of qualitative research methods in social sciences and in Discourse Analysis. Specifically his work at the present time is developed at the intersection of Psychology and Public Policy, and more specifically in the contribution of social psychology to the analysis of public policies, especially those related to health.
He published 99 scientific works, of which 65 are research articles in national and international journals. In addition, he edited (with Tomás Ibáñez) two books: ‘Critical Social Psychology’ (London: Sage, 1997) and ‘Discourse Analysis. Manual for Social Sciences’ (Barcelona: EDIUOC, 2003) translated into Portuguese as’ Manual do Análise do Discurso em Ciências Sociais’ (Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes).