The IEAT Resident Professor Program is accepting applications for six vacancies for professors and internal researchers at UFMG. Entries can be made from July 5 to September 22, 2023.

UFMG professors, in exercise, emeritus or retired who act as volunteers at the University, may apply. Participants must have proven contribution in the formation of human resources and productivity in research activities. Research projects may be presented individually or jointly by two professors.

Those approved will develop research projects, with an outstanding transdisciplinary character, from March 1st to December 31st, 2024.

During the development of the residency, the approved researcher must be fully released from administrative and graduation charges. In return, the approved candidate’s department of origin will receive up to two additional academic scholarships, so that UFMG postgraduate students, selected through public notice, can contribute to the teaching duties of the professor away from graduation.

During his/her stay at the IEAT, the resident must participate in meetings and events promoted by the Institute; offer, together with other residents, credit-generating activities for UFMG students; and promote at least one initiative related to your research project, such as lectures, workshops and short courses or hold a workshop, with an international scope.

Through the IEAT secretariat, residents will be offered logistical support to carry out activities related to the research project and a Scientific Initiation scholarship to successful candidates who include this request in the research project, with the exception of residents who fit the condition of volunteer and/or emeritus professor. In addition, residents will have priority for the publication of works arising from residency projects in the IEAT Collection at Editora UFMG and advantage, in the event of a tie during the selection process, in nominating names for the Cátedras program.

Entries must be made exclusively through the electronic address until September 22, 2023. The result will be announced until November 30, 2023.

Regulamento Programa Residente 2023

Chamada Professor Residente IEAT 2023

Fomulário Professor Residente IEAT 2023 (portuguese)

1º aditivo Chamada Professor Residente IEAT 2023