Residency Period: March 6, 2023 to December 22, 2023

Department of Phonoaudiology – Faculty of Medicine of UFMG

Ana Cristina Côrtes Gama graduated in Speech Therapy from the Catholic University of Goiás (1990), with specialization (1994), master’s (1997) and doctorate (2001) in Human Communication Disorders from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). She is a professor at the Department of Speech Therapy at UFMG since 2012, and at the Graduate Program in Speech Therapy Sciences.

Post-doctorate in Linguistics from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP), with a technical internship at the National Center for Voice and Speech, United States
Leader of the “GP.Voz” research group registered in the CNPq directory, which aims to study the prevention, evaluation and treatment of voice disorders, in addition to aspects of improving communicative standards. Productivity Scholarship in Research 1D by CNPq.


Clinical reasoning is a cognitive process that allows the health professional to define a correct diagnosis and an adequate therapeutic approach to a clinical case. The literature suggests learning strategies for the development of clinical reasoning, as well as ways to assess and monitor the development of health students’ performance in making appropriate and safe decisions in meeting the patient’s care needs. The challenge of how to evaluate the performance of students’ clinical reasoning during their academic training is constant in the curricula of the health area, including speech therapy. The Script Agreement Test (SCT) is based on the principle that multiple judgments made in the clinical reasoning process can be investigated.

The objective of this research is to construct and validate the Scripts Agreement Test for the area of Speech Therapy, in the clinical context of behavioral dysphonia. This is an instrument validation study, approved by the Research Ethics Committee of UFMG with opinion number 5,824,852. The instrument development and validation process will be based on criteria recommended by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Medical Outcomes Trust, and will follow the following steps: 1. construction of the instrument; 2. determination of content validity; 3. determination of construct validity; and 4. determination of charges. Sampling is by convenience snowball type.

This research project is justified by considering the importance of training speech therapists who are critical and reflective, sensitive and aware of their professional skills, due to the complexity of human care when dealing with communication disorders.