Beginning of residency: November 30, 2020

Resident of the IEAT, Andréa Máris Campos Guerra graduated in Law from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora and in Psychology from the Higher Education Center of Juiz de Fora. She holds a master’s degree in Social Psychology from UFMG and a PhD in Psychoanalytic Theory from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a period of in-depth studies at the Université de Rennes II and a post-doctorate in progress at the Université Paris 8. UFMG and the Graduate Program in Psychology at UFMG. Emphasis on academic and professional production along the themes of Psychoanalysis and Politics; Adolescence and Infraction; Psychoanalytic clinic.


The investigation aims to elucidate the contemporary modes of affiliation and transmission, characteristic of vulnerable populations, in order to identify their effects on the social contract. Thus, as specific academic objectives it intends to: a) discuss the relevance of notions such as family, maternal and paternal functions; b) understand the ways in which different family structures, anthropologically investigated, carry out the symbolic transmission of their legacy; c) analyze whether there are modes of transmission and affiliation that do without or replace family members through Psychoanalysis, Law and Sociology; d) investigate the contemporary modes of transmission and affiliation between families in vulnerable situations; e) to assess the impact of supposed new modes of affiliation and transmission on subjectivity and on the process of naming and social bonding of adolescents in vulnerable situations.

As academic-institutional objectives it intends to: a) create and/or improve social intervention methodologies with families and young people to be transferred to public policies; b) train and offer continuous improvement of human resources; c) generate new theoretical contributions about the theme; d) collaborate directly with public policies for social assistance and socio-education.

Strengthening the production of scientific knowledge about families in vulnerable situations requires a hard effort to extract from the cultural diversity of assemblages, logics that allow consolidating strong base theories for transdisciplinary articulation, given the exhaustion of theoretical models in achieving concrete social changes in our historical time. Equal or greater exhaustion affects the field of public policies, with standardized models and sometimes supported by family matrix, sometimes in practice with extended families, losing sight, in the macropolitical perspective, of the internal dynamics of subjective, intra and interfamilial arrangements, as well as the new configurations of colonial conflicts.

The main products expected from this path are: a) promotion of fortnightly institutional supervision (already in progress); b) holding an international and transdisciplinary colloquium; c) publication of two scientific articles; d) production of a book that brings together the results of the investigation; e) participation in scientific congresses; f) international academic exchange.