Residency Period: 08/01/2013 to 07/31/2014

Professor Antonio Lucio Teixeira Junior graduated in Medicine (1992-1997) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). He completed medical residencies in psychiatry (1998-2000), internal medicine (2000-2001), as a prerequisite, and neurology (2001-2003) at the Hospital das Clínicas of UFMG. He held a master’s degree (1999-2000) and doctorate (2002-2004) in Cell Biology at the Institute of Biological Sciences (ICB) at UFMG. In 2011, he defended Habilitation in Psychiatry at the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). He has been professor of neurology at the Faculty of Medicine (FM) of UFMG since 2004, and coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Medical Investigation / FM. He has clinical experience in neurology and psychiatry, conducting research in the areas of neuropsychiatry and psychoneuroimmunology. He was coordinator of the Neurology Service at the Hospital das Clínicas at UFMG (2007-2011), sub-coordinator of the Graduate Program in Health Sciences: Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at FM-UFMG (2007-2009) and of the Graduate Program in Neurosciences at ICB-UFMG (2009-2013). He joined the Brazilian Academy of Sciences as an affiliate member (2008/9-2013).


It is recognized that the activity of the immune system influences human behavior, as in the case of depression. However, several points of this relationship remain poorly understood, highlighting epistemological aspects (the biological meaning of inflammation, the meaning of the association between the immune system and the nervous system), neurobiological aspects (mechanisms by which cells or molecules of the immune system influence the nervous system) and the biology of the immune system. The project “Psychoneuroimmunology: investigating the immune bases of behavior” aims to address the epistemological and neuroimmunobiological aspects of the influence of the immune system on behavior (psychoneuroimmunology).