O Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras (CsF), lançado em 26 de julho de 2011, foi um programa do Governo Federal que buscou consolidar, expandir e internacionalizar a ciência e a tecnologia, a inovação e a competitividade brasileira por meio da mobilidade internacional de alunos de graduação e de pós-graduação. O programa surgiu a partir do esforço conjunto dos Ministérios da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), do Ministério da Educação (MEC), e de instituições de fomento como o Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) e a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes). O CsF teve vigência até o ano de 2014, não havendo chamadas posteriores.
Para informações referentes ao Programa ou solicitação de documentos, entre em contato: csfdri@dri.ufmg.br
The Science without Frontiers program, which was launched on 26 July 2011, is a Federal Government program that seeks to promote consolidation, expansion and internationalization of science and technology, as well as Brazilian innovation and competitiveness, by means of undergraduate and postgraduate student exchanges and international mobility. The projects is designed to release up to 75 000 grants over four years. This initiative is the result of the combined efforts of the Ministry of Science & Technology, the Ministry of Education through their respective support institutions – CNPq and Capes – and the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education & Technology Teaching Secretariat.
In the case of undergraduate studies, the program is designed for students with the best academic performance as determined by criteria for excellence such as the relevant results of the National Examination of Secondary Education (Enem in the Portuguese acronym), awards in programs of scientific and technological initiation, and thematic olympiads and competitions; account is also taken of the quality of the student’s university.
Grants for sandwich study abroad for undergraduate students: Undergraduate students in priority or related areas receive a study grant in addition to travel expenses, a maintenance grant and health insurance in order to take part in a mobility program
Themes and areas of interest
- Engineering and other technological disciplines;
- Exact and earth sciences: Physics, chemistry, biology and geosciences
- Biomedical and health sciences:
- Computing and information technology;
- Aerospace technology;
- Pharmacology;
- Sustainable agriculture;
- Petroleum, gas and mineral coal;
- Renewable energy;
- Mineral technology;
- Biotechnology;
- Nanotechnology and new materials;
- Technologies for prevention and mitigation of natural disasters;
- Biodiversity and bioprospecting;
- Oceanography;
- Creative industries;
- New construction engineering technologies;
- Training of technologists.
Science without Frontiers students receive training in the best available institutions, preferably the 30 most highly classified in international rankings for each subject area. Such institutions are characterized by their excellence in scientific production and in preparing students for work; they may be universities, research institutes or technology centers.
There is no definitive number of places on offer to undergraduate students, given that the objective of the program is to select the largest possible number of enrolled students.
NB: When the call for applications is made, enrolment takes place both through the program website and through Minha UFMG. If students do not complete their enrolment via one of these channels, their application will be annulled.