Residency period: April 4, 2022 and April 3, 2023

Resident at IEAT, Fabio Alves is a Professor of Linguistic Studies at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), where he works in the Graduate Program in Linguistic Studies (PosLin). He holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics (Sprachlehrforschung) from the Ruhr Universität Bochum (1995). He did postdoctoral work at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2003-2004) and at the Copenhagen Business School (2012-2013). He was visiting professor at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (2003, 2007, 2009, 2013), the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain (2005, 2007, 2012), the Universität des Saarlandes, Germany (2009, 2010) and the University of Macau , China (2010). He was Director of International Relations at UFMG in the 2014-2018 term. Currently, he is Dean of Graduate Studies at UFMG. He has a master’s degree in Linguistic Studies from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1991) and a degree in Economic Sciences from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (1979). He was President of the Brazilian Association of Translation Researchers (ABRAPT) in the 2004-2007 period and President of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Languages and Linguistics (ANPOLL) in the 2008-2010 period. He coordinated ANPOLL’s Translation WG in the 1998-2000 and 2004-2006 biennia. Coordinated the following international cooperation projects: CAPES-MECD project nº 046/03 between PosLin/UFMG and the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the four-year period 2003-2006 and CAPES-DAAD PROBRAL project nº 292/08 between PosLin/UFMG and the Cátedra of English and Translation Studies at the Univesitaet des Saarlandes, Germany in the three-year period 2008-2010. He also coordinated PROCAD project nº 097/02 between PosLin / UFMG and PGI / UFSC in the four-year period 2002-2005. He has experience in the area of Applied Linguistics, with emphasis on Translation Studies and focus on the following topics: human-machine interaction in translation and experimental research on the translation process and on the acquisition of translation skills. He supervised 17 doctoral theses (two co-supervisions) and 24 master’s theses (two co-supervisions). Among his publications, the following stand out: Translate with Autonomy: Strategies for the trainee translator (Contexto, 2000); Triangulating Translation: perspectives in process-oriented research (John Benjamins, 2003), Competence in Translation: cognition and discourse (Editora UFMG, 2005), Modeling Translator?s Competence: relevance and expertise under scrutiny (BTL 41, John Benjamins, 2007) , Translation as a Cognitive Activity (Routledge, 2009), Methodology, Technology and Innovation in Translation Process Research (Copenhagen Studies in Language 38, 2009), Cognitive Approaches to Translation (HTS, John Benjamins, 2010), Investigating the conceptual procedural distinction in the translation process (Target 25, John Benjamins, 2013), Investigating cognitive effort in post-editing (Machine Translation, 2015; Springer, 2016; John Benjamins, 2017), the Routedge Handbook of Translation and Cognition (2020). His main focus of interest is mainly on research on expert knowledge in translation and on the investigation of the semantic-pragmatic interface in modeling the translation process of expert translators. She is currently developing a research project on behavioral and neurophysiological aspects associated with translation with a focus on inferential processes measured through eye tracking and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and on human-machine interaction in translation.


This proposal aims to fill an existing gap in Translation Studies, related to translation studies as a cognitive activity by approaching, together, the study of the interaction between human beings and computers (human-computer interaction – HCI), psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, cognitive sciences and neurosciences. It also aims to investigate the concept of translation expertise in light of the emerging cognitive environment in tasks that incorporate neural machine translation, computer-supported translation, and behavioral and neurophysiological aspects of translation activity. The project has relevance and impact for national and international scientific development considering the following aspects: (1) its innovative character in the field of Translation Studies by focusing on a little explored topic, that is, the cognitive modeling of post-translation processes editing of machine translation products; (2) its contribution to cognitive translation studies based on contemplating a transdisciplinary object of study, incipient both nationally and internationally; (3) his contribution to computer-aided translation and neural machine translation by contributing to the development of neural machine translation models; (4) his contribution to neurophysiological studies on