Residency period: March 6, 2023 to December 22, 2023

Department of Administrative Sciences – Faculty of Economic Sciences/UFMG

Resident at IEAT, Ricardo Teixeira Veiga is Bachelor in Computer Science, Specialist in Statistics, Master and Doctor in Business Administration – all courses taken at UFMG. My line of research is “Marketing, Strategy and Operations”. Main areas of interest: marketing theory, ethics, aesthetics, consumer behavior, market research and multivariate statistics. Full Professor at the Department of Administrative Sciences at UFMG / FACE and Member of the Permanent Faculty at CEPEAD (PPGA of Administration). Leader of the Theme “Marketing of Services and Emerging Services”, of the Marketing division of ANPAD (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration).

He supervised 13 doctoral theses, 28 master’s dissertations, 2 post-doctoral internships, 20 final works of specialization course, 16 final works of graduation course and 15 scientific initiation projects. At the moment, he advises a doctoral student, three master’s students and a CI fellow. He has published 54 full-length journal articles, 72 conference proceedings, three books and eight book chapters. He acts as an ad hoc consultant for CNPq and Capes, reviewer for high-impact national and international journals and member of the editorial board of two national journals.


To create sustainable organizations, care is needed in the design of the business model, overcoming the linear economy paradigm and the lack of an adequate ethical perspective. Building a method to design sustainable business models requires a theoretical framework capable of dealing with the complexity of organizations and service ecosystems, addressing macro, meso and micro issues in an integrated manner. A network of researchers and practitioners from various specialties and institutions will provide the critical mass for the development of a theoretically grounded and practical business design method. Entrepreneurs, consultants and university students will be trained in the application of the method, aiming to quickly and widely disseminate the necessary competence to plan sustainable and ethically based business models. Metrics for evaluating the sustainability of business models will also be prepared and certified.